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Welcome to Edmonton Free Methodist Church
A Place of New Beginnings
COVID-19 Response
Edmonton Free Methodist Church is committed to the safety and health of our congregation and community user groups. Currently, we are holding in-person Sunday gatherings and will have online services streamed live on our Youtube channel and Facebook page on Sundays at 11:00 am. Click the bottom at the top of this page.
Join Us
Life in Christ is as an unprecedented adventure, an exciting journey in which we get to know God our creator, understand our purpose in this world, and have free access to the Divine enablement that it takes to fulfill our God-given destiny. How can that not be exciting?
Our congregation at EFMC is a vibrant, multi-cultural group of bible-believing Christians from over twelve (12) countries around the world, and yes, we believe the Bible to be the Word of God from front cover to back cover. We love to sing, clap our hands in Praise & Worship, enjoy chatting and laughing, and possess an insatiable appetite for each other’s (international) cuisine.
My mission as pastor, is to round EFMC into a healthy, working and focused group of believers who have a heart for God, as manifested in our love for people; Christians who are confident in the fact that we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world, and that God has entrusted us with the responsibility of daily reflecting His Glory into a dark and otherwise hopeless world.
Generosity is very high on our list of priorities. One of my seminary lecturers once told me,
'you can give without loving, but you can't love without giving.
We believe that generosity is not just something we do, it’s who we are. We presently sponsor some 13 children around the globe and are working on sponsoring even more as God increases us.
Welcome to the EFMC
Pastor Patrick Lashley, Senior Pastor

Worship Service Times
Regular Sunday Schedule:
Pre-service Prayer
Worship Service 11:00 am
Sunday School 11:30 am.
Any additional services will be announced on our Up Coming Events notice board below.
Our Mission
Find ways to engage unreached people and unreached communities with the gospel.
Mature congregations through developing healthy pastoral and lay leaders.
Commission prepared people to purposeful service.
Interpret life theologically through intentional reflection.
Invest human and financial resources strategically.
Communicate and celebrate through listening to and inspiring one another.
​UpComing Events
Sunday - 11:00 am - In-Person Worship Service at the Church with Pastor Lashley
Sunday - 11:00 am - Live-stream Worship Service - Check our Web site or Facebook page at 11:00 am to join in.
Keep up-to-date by checking in on the Edmonton Free Methodist Church Facebook page. Stay in touch with your EFMC family through Facebook, e-mails, and phone calls. You are all in our prayers.
Wednesday at 07:30 pm (Edmonton Time) Join Zoom Meeting.
For a full explanation of various giving options, please click on the pink give button at the top of this page, or click on the green donate now button at the bottom of this page.​